IMAGINE A KISS by Moira Andrew
'Imagine a Kiss' is Moira Andrew’s latest collection of accessible lyrical and narrative poems. Many are love poems, some are nostalgic anecdotes of time spent with beloved people, some are frankly humorous and others are tinged with sadness at the inescapable approach of old age and death.
"'Imagine a Kiss' clearly demonstrates Moira Andrews’ peerless power as a poet. Her gift for description creates richness on the page, and she confidently pins down relationships that we all recognise with precision, tenderness, compassion and humour. An altogether outstanding, highly readable collection by an author in full command of her abilities.’ —Wes Magee ISBN:978-1-913329-20-4
Paperback, 14.8 x 21 cm 80 pages RRP £10.00 THIS PAYPAL BUTTON IS FOR UK ORDERS ONLY We regret that if an overseas order is sent to us, we can refund only 90% of the payment made, because there will be a 10% handling charge. |