by Clive Donovan is published on 1st October 2024 Movement of People is Clive Donovan's third poetry collection, an ambitious portrayal of the world — as seen in a timeless mirror — of its problems and betrayals. The causes and effects of mass-migrations, climate change, war, genocide and man’s inhumanity to man are explored in striking, powerful poems. Clive Donovan’s uncompromising vision is tempered by his wry sense of humour — a virtuoso writer, he confidently ranges through time and place to present vivid evidence for his principles, always thought-provoking, never didactic.
“Really high quality and excellent work...striking and unique” — Zoë Brigley & Rhian Edwards (eds. Seren Books) Sam Smith of The Journal comments on Movement of People:
"This collection is dedicated to 'all the oppressed.' And to that end Clive gives us examples and tells us of the mechanics and psychology of oppression – in poem after poem, page after page. This subject matter of itself makes a single read-through hard going. Had I not been reviewing I would probably have put the book to one side and have dipped in when I felt the need to confront reality. And what with the ongoing genocide in Gaza there's been a lot of reality around of late. Difficult to supply evidence when it’s gone, been killed, destroyed, raped into silence, but we all know it’s there, ignored….. 'The True History'. This collection though is as much a call to arms against oppression as a lament for past wrongs. [...] Other poems step into prisons, concentration camps, stumble through atrocities, meet everyday horrors and ambushes, riots and crusades. Like wars all waiting for us again. Always, lest we forget; and Clive Donovan is determined that we won’t forget. While knowing that his is an uphill task." J.S. Watts comments in The High Window Reviews on Clive Donovan's "exploring humankind’s darkest moments from the discovery of fire, stone tools and neighbour envy, via assorted wars and atrocities of mass destruction to our current heating up of the climate and the destruction of the entire planet we live on. The poetry is direct and damning of what: ‘These newfangled monkeys’ are unsubtly getting up to. Humankind does not come out of this well: We were too busy with our own exact concerns to notice the fluid ecstasy of evil. – November 2024 Praise for Clive Donovan’s previous collections:
The Taste of Glass (Cinnamon Press, 2021): “Wild and meaningful” — Fred Beake “Mighty powerful stuff” — Sam Smith (ed. The Journal) “A treasure trove of sharp insights and fresh ideas” — Clifton Redmond for The High Window "I flipping love your collection" — Robert Garnham Wound Up With Love (Lapwing 2022): “Emotional honesty” — David Keyworth for Sphinx Poetry Reviews “Some excellent word-play and irony” — Patrick Lodge for The High Window “Assured use of language” — Kevin Bailey (ed. HQ Poetry Magazine) “A bold and varied attempt to track the insanity of love” —David Ashbee for South Magazine |
ISBN 978-1-917101-06-6
RRP £10.99 |